

Dr. 利Minchew, associate dean for academic affairs in the 护理学院, 担任项目主管,年薪3美元.授予400万的过渡许可实用 nurses and licensed vocational 护士进入注册护理职业. data-lightbox =“特色”
Dr. 利Minchew, associate dean for academic affairs in the 护理学院, 担任项目主管,年薪3美元.授予400万的过渡许可实用 nurses and licensed vocational 护士进入注册护理职业.

十大彩票网投平台 护理学院 被授予3美元.400万美元,为期四年的赠款重点是增加的数量 registered nurses in clinics and hospitals, particularly in rural and underserved 社区. 

The Health and Human Resources and Services Administration funding will be used to develop a program to transition licensed practical nurses and licensed vocational 护士进入注册护理职业. 这个项目,教育与社会平衡 Support Resources to Advance Professional Nursing Practice, or LEAP, will provide social and financial support for LPNs/LVNs to advance their careers.

“I am proud of our team of faculty who have worked diligently to receive this outstanding award to develop and manage the LEAP project,” said Dean of Nursing Dr. 希瑟·霍尔. “This new project will build on the college’s current BSN program pathways, including 传统BSN、加速BSN和RN到BSN的路径. 总的来说,我们提供 programs that will lead to the success of all of our students and continue to serve 我们伟大的地方和农村社区.”

南’s 护理学院 is the only one in the 南east, and one of nine nationwide, 要获得这项资助. Serving on the nursing LEAP team and assisting Project Director Dr. 李明洲博士,副教授. 特蕾莎·赖特,助理教授 Dr. 金伯利·乔丹,助理教授. 乔·安·奥茨,副教授,博士. 克里斯蒂娜·米勒,助理教授,博士. 艾米丽·索耶·本特利,临床实习 Advising and Assessment Coordinator Kimberly Mundy; and Information Technology Specialist 詹姆斯·霍华德.

 “The LEAP project offers an innovative online pathway to prepare LPNs and LVNs from disadvantaged backgrounds for career advancement into the BSN-prepared professional 护士角色,”Minchew说. “LEAP将允许我们学院提供学术,财务 and social support resources to students through credit for previous training and work experience as an LPN/LVN, mentorship by faculty and peers mentorship and financial 为促进学业成功而提供的津贴.” 

Minchew, who also serves as associate dean for academic affairs and associate professor, said LEAP students will gain valuable knowledge and experience in the care of vulnerable populations through clinical rotations within rural and underserved 社区, where 它们将有助于促进健康和减少获得保健的障碍. 除了填充 a shortage of registered nurses, the program aims to increase the diversity of the 注册护士队伍.

 “LEAP aims to increase the supply and geographic distribution of professionally trained RNs by reducing barriers often faced by LPNs/LVNs in achieving their goal of higher Minchew说. “这个项目将允许学生保持他们目前的工作 LPN/LVN jobs and attend school online, with faculty and peer group mentorship and 沿途安排虚拟模拟活动.

 “The LPN/LVN to BSN pathway will emphasize important concepts to the profession such as social determinants of health, health equity and health literacy; leadership and skills; community health nursing competencies; and integrated behavioral health services, all of which are imperative to the future health of our 社区. 我们将协助 nurses to realize their goals for higher-level nursing positions and prepare them 未来的领导角色.”

下午6点安排了一个信息开放参观.m.9月9日星期二. 19、讨论 LEAP’s curriculum plan, pre-requisite course requirements and program application details. 第一批学生将于2024年春季入学. 了解更多信息 或通过电子邮件注册LEAP虚拟开放日 conlpn2bsn@mogrenlandscape.com




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