
Gary Mans

Louis and Melinda Mapp have announced their intentions to donate land in Baldwin County 为美国健康中心的未来校区选址. data-lightbox =“特色”
Louis and Melinda Mapp have announced their intentions to donate land in Baldwin County 为美国健康中心的未来校区选址.

Louis and Melinda Mapp have announced their intentions to donate approximately eight 将鲍德温县的几英亩土地转让给十大彩票网投平台. The site, at the southeast corner of Alabama Highway 181 and Alabama Highway 104 just outside of Fairhope, 未来的新校区在哪里 USA Health.

“As an academic health system, USA Health brings unique subspecialty care to our region,” Louis Mapp said. “梅琳达和我很感激我们能够帮助鲍德温 County residents gain access to this level of expertise in a convenient and easily accessible manner.”

“We cannot thank the Mapp family enough for this tremendous gift,” said Dr. Tony Waldrop, University president. “他们对我们社区的承诺和他们对我们的支持 卫生系统是坚定不移的.”


“This gift from the Mapp family will allow us to move forward with plans to extend to the people of Baldwin County the academic health difference that is unique in our 区域,”Dr. John V. 美国负责医疗事务的副总统 and dean of the College of Medicine. “On this location we will be able to bring together the delivery of specialized healthcare and the training of the next generation of physicians on a campus that 还涉及健康、营养和预防.”

Initial plans for the site call for the development of a medical office building that 是初级和专科护理专业人员的家吗. 此外,一个完整的数组 成像技术是预定的位置. 美国卫生部已经提交了一份证明 of Need application with the state to build an ambulatory surgical center on the location as well.

The campus is designed to have multiple water features, walking paths and outdoor 教育和聚会场所. 此外,计划要求校园容纳一个 indoor educational component that can be utilized for providing patients with nutritional 以及与健康相关的预防策略. 这个空间也将提供给 USA Health to carry out its academic healthcare mission by serving as a location to 教育未来和现在的医疗保健提供者.

“Through this effort, we will be able to bring to the people of Baldwin County more convenient access to the specialty care that is the hallmark of academic health systems,” 美国健康公司首席执行官欧文·贝利说. “这是一个机会 for us to bring a number of specialty care providers to a centrally located facility that enables the people of Baldwin County to stay close to their homes and have their 满足保健需求.

“It is only fitting that a special campus like this be situated on property that has 是路易斯和梅琳达·马普夫妇捐赠的,”贝利说. “多年来,他们一直在这样做 重点关注如何改善我们地区人民的生活.”

The Mapps have been strong supporters of USA Health through the years. In 2018, they donated more than $1 million to establish an endowment to offset the costs of items 新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)内 Children’s & Women’s Hospital. Louis Mapp is a consistent volunteer, rocking some of the region’s smallest babies. The Mapps also donated funds in 2012 to establish the Mapp Child and Family Life Program at Children’s & Women’s Hospital. 这个项目确保儿童和青少年 able to have their emotional and educational needs met while hospitalized. Also, Louis 马普在这两个地方都担任志愿者 University Hospital and Children’s & Women’s Hospital.

“For years Louis and Melinda have been helping USA Health meet the needs of some of our most vulnerable patients,” said Margaret Sullivan, vice president for development at USA. “They continually look for opportunities where they can help make others’ lives better. 这片土地的礼物,使美国卫生能够扩大其服务在 鲍德温县,是他们的慷慨和影响的另一个例子.”

This campus will extend USA and USA Health’s presence in Baldwin County. USA Health currently provides clinical care at the Mitchell Cancer Institute and the USA Health Physicians Group Eastern Shore in Fairhope, and USA Health Endocrine and Diabetes in Daphne. USA’s health-related educational and training programs in Baldwin County include the partnership with Orange Beach in which second-year emergency medicine residents accompany Orange Beach emergency medical service units on medical calls, and the College of Nursing program in Fairhope.

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